
Objects and processes are further subdivided by aspects, e.g. a company may contain the aspects employees and customers, a project of the company may contain the work breakdown structure and project controlling.
Connections connect elements with each other. They regulate the access rights of the individual participants. For example, an employee is assigned to a task in the project, a customer to an order. Connections are not only needed for access rights, but also to exchange data between different elements, e.g. via formula language.
Aspect level, aspect nodes
Aspects are created as tree structures like the folder structures in the file system. The depth in the tree is the aspect level, the branch points the aspect nodes. For example, the aspect 'Employee' can contain the levels 'Employee type' and 'Employee'. Employee types could be salaried employees and freelancers, which are created as aspect nodes at this level. Below the 'Employee' node in the 'Employee' level, a separate node would be created for each employee of the company.
In REWOO Scope, the user organizes his data and divides it into individual elements, each of which contains a versioned record.
Each element in REWOO Scope has one or more forms/layouts. It contains individual information about the element, such as core data, KPIs or related documents. This information describes the element for the user. A form is often referred to as a datasheet in REWOO Scope. Forms/layouts can be designed individually.
A message can be generated for each value. This is sent to every user who is allowed to read this value. In addition, messages can also be generated automatically by attaching a corresponding system action to a condition. If this condition is re-evaluated and the state changes according to the specifications, a message is generated by the system.
All institutions, persons or objects involved in the processes are assigned to the object world. These are, for example, employees, departments, products, customers or partners.
All processes and procedures in the company are typically assigned to the process world. These are, for example, projects, standard processes or deadlines.
Each element is of a certain type. This type determines which information and which different form views - the so-called layouts - belong to this element.
The content of the datasheet at a specific point in time is referred to as the version of the datasheet. If the content is changed by the user, a new version is created at the time of the change.
A template is an element or group of elements that serves as a template for real data. When a user manages his projects with REWOO Scope, he will create several project templates for the different types of projects that occur in his working environment. When he starts a new project, he creates a new project from the appropriate project template.